
Boston University Department of Mathematics & Statistics
The BU Department of Mathematics & Statistics reflects a broad spectrum of theory and application within the mathematical sciences. The department boasts accomplished research groups in many areas, including dynamical systems, geometry/topology, number theory, probability, and statistics. Professor Glenn Stevens, PROMYS Director, served as Department Chair from 2020 through June 2024.
Since its founding, PROMYS has been held on Boston University’s campus. Each summer, at least three BU mathematics faculty serve as lecturers, advanced seminar instructors, and research leaders. In addition, BU graduate students concentrating in number theory are key counselors in the PROMYS for Teachers program.

Clay Mathematics Institute
Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) is dedicated to increasing and disseminating mathematical knowledge. Since 1999, the CMI-PROMYS partnership has engaged PROMYS participants in advanced seminars and open-ended research projects with the guidance of research mathematicians, mentors, and seminar leaders.
In 2013, the partnership was expanded by the formation of the CMI-PROMYS International Alliance which funded scholarships to PROMYS for European students. Since 2015, CMI and PROMYS, together with Wadham College and the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford, have been partners in PROMYS Europe, a parallel program for European students.

Education Development Center
Education Development Center (EDC) advances lasting solutions to the most pressing educational, health, and workforce challenges across the globe. PROMYS first partnered with EDC in the early 1990s, when the creation of national standards brought inquiry-based learning into classrooms. PROMYS Director Glenn Stevens collaborated with Dr. Al Cuoco, an international leader in mathematics education and EDC distinguished scholar, to establish PROMYS for Teachers (PfT).
During the academic year, EDC conducts five full-day workshops for PfT alumni with a focus on pedagogy and connecting the summer immersion experience back to learning in the classroom, helping teachers and administrators to improve their practice. As a result, PfT alumni are teacher leaders in their schools. They participate in National Council of Teachers of Mathematics conferences and publish their research. Most importantly, PROMYS teachers are having an impact on student learning.

Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Department of Mathematics
The IISc Department of Mathematics is active in research in most areas of pure and applied mathematics, including algebra and number theory, analysis, discrete mathematics, geometry/topology, mathematical finance, numerical analysis, partial differential equations, probability, representation theory, and time-series analysis.
The Indian Institute of Science Bangalore was established in 1909 by a visionary partnership between the industrialist Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, the Mysore royal family, and the Government of India. Since its inception, the Institute has laid a balanced emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge in science and engineering and applying its research findings for industrial and social benefit. In 2018, IISc was selected as an Institution of Eminence (IoE) by the Government of India, and it consistently figures among the top Indian institutions in world university rankings. According to the QS world university ranking 2022, IISc has secured the top place in the world in the citations per faculty metric, which is a measure of research impact.

Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford
Mathematics is the engine behind science in the 21st Century. It has both an inherent logic and beauty while also providing the structure and models from which physicists, chemists, biologists, medics, engineers, economists and social scientists build an understanding of our world and construct the tools to improve our lives. Mathematics in Oxford embraces this power and diversity by combining its pure and applied mathematicians in one department and one building, ensuring collaborations both within and beyond Oxford. The Mathematical Institute has over 850 undergraduates, more than 350 masters and doctoral postgraduate students, and over 170 faculty, research fellows and postdoctoral researchers studying and working across all fields of mathematics from Number Theory to understanding the mechanics of the human brain.
PROMYS Europe is a partnership of PROMYS with the Mathematical Institute and Wadham College at the University of Oxford, and the Clay Mathematics Institute.

PROMYS Foundation
In 2011, a group of PROMYS alumni created the PROMYS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity, with the goal of providing financial support to PROMYS. Over time, the Foundation’s alumni-led Board of Trustees has become an advisory body to PROMYS. The Foundation also develops partnerships to create mentoring, outreach, and international offshoots that are strongly rooted in the PROMYS philosophy.

Wadham College, University of Oxford
Founded in 1610, Wadham College is one 35 self-governing undergraduate colleges within the University of Oxford. The college provides accommodation and tutorial teaching for undergraduates, and a social base for students and faculty. The College has a strong tradition in science and mathematics. It was the original home of the Royal Society (the UK’s national academy), which began as a discussion group led by the College’s Warden, John Wilkins, in the 1650s. Christopher Wren joined the College as an undergraduate during this period.
PROMYS Europe is a partnership of PROMYS with Wadham College and the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford and Clay Mathematics Institute.